
It’s late. And I have a long day tomorrow … watching all the drunk people celebrating St. Patty’s. It’s quite hilarious.

But A and I went to visit Goomba this morning so I wanted to post a few pics. He is getting so big. It is so hard to leave him – but less than a couple of weeks now before he is home!!

A was so cute with the little guy. I couldn’t help but take a million pictures of them. Excuse the not so great photos, I just got a used iPhone (since I put my old phone through the wash), so I am still trying to get used to the whole iPhone and camera on the phone.









Our Love Story

So Valentine’s Day is almost here. I have never been a huge fan of Valentines day. I would almost prefer flowers or a thinking of you card on a random day as opposed to Valentines Day. But at the same time, everyone else is getting something, so I want something to, even if it is just a home-made card or a burned CD of my favorite songs 🙂

Anyways …. I saw this on someone else’s blog, and thought it was a great idea, so I thought I would join in and link up with the blog From Mrs. to Mama as well.

1. How long have you and your significant other been together?
It will be 5 years in April. A asked me to be his girlfriend on April 11, 2007, he asked me to marry him on August 8, 2010, and we tied the knot on September 10, 2011. So together for almost 5 years, and married for almost 5 months 🙂

2. How did you meet?
A and I met in college … when I hit his car. It was junior year, and I was late for a late night soccer practice, so I was a little distracted. I started backing out the parking spot, and didn’t see that a car was parked there (where it shouldn’t have been) and bumped into it. And so A and I met. I was so frazzled and embarrassed that I had just backed into him. A didn’t even ask for any of my information, he told me he was going to fix the door anyways (never did), and that there was barely any damage so not to worry about it. That was as far as that went for the time being. I was scared to see him around campus, so if I ever saw him, would purposely go in the opposite direction. Fast forward to almost a year later. We ended up joining the same intramural soccer team because we had a lot of mutual friends. And we started talking. One night after a party that we had both been at, he invited me to his house off campus and we stayed up until 6 in the morning talking. He hadn’t remembered that it was me that hit his car! I had to bring it up before it clicked. Thankfully, that wasn’t a deal breaker for him – and we’ve been together since!

3. If married, how long have you been married? If not, is this the guy you hope to marry?
We just got married back in September, so it will be 5 months in a few days. 5 wonderfully amazing months.

4. If you are married, where did you get married at?
We got married in my hometown, in the church that I attended growing up. It was what most would consider a big wedding. I am Portuguese and A is Italian – so we have very large families. And we also have a large group of friends. So we invited around 320 people, and had 280 attend the wedding. Luckily there was a place in my town that could fit all these people! There were 8 bridesmaids and 8 groomsmen, and we had a flower girl and ring bearer. It was the perfect day – sunny and in the 70s, and everything went just as planned. The day after the wedding, we had all our friends and family over my parents house for one last goodbye, before A and I went off to Italy for 15 days ❤

5. Do you have any nick-names that you call one another? Do share!
Not really. I guess we call each other Stink or Stinky sometime. Quite embarrassing I know. We really aren’t stinky, I swear, it was said once and just somehow stuck. There are also just the typical babe, hun, love, etc. that we say from time to time as well.

6. Name 3 things you love most about your honey.
He loves me more than anything else in this world and is dedicated to us completely. He is so family oriented and comes from a large, amazing, religious family very similar to my own. He is funny, and can make me laugh and always manages to put a smile on my face.

7. Tell us how he proposed?
His parents have a house on Cape Cod, so we go there all the time, especially during the summer months. One weekend in August, we had spent the day out on their boat on a lake. When we got home, his mom had some errands to run and asked if I wanted to tag along. After a few stores, she said we should stop by the beach to pick up a few shells (this is something she is constantly doing, since she does own a beach house and is constantly using shells for DIY crafts around the house) so I didn’t think anything of it and thought it was a great idea. It was nearing sunset, and we started walking, when in the sand, written out of sea shells, was the message “Marry me Katie?”. I honestly thought it was a joke, or written for someone else, so started looking around, when out from behind some tall grass, out pops A in a suit. He walks over as I am saying shut up, he gets down on one knee, starts talking (I was in too much shock to even remember what he said now), and asked me to be his wife. I of course said yes. And then notice his dad in the corner taking pictures, as well as a large group of complete strangers watching and all cheering when they’ve realized I say yes. It was amazing.

8. Is he a flowers and teddy bear kind of guy for v-day, or strawberries, champagne, and rose petals?
Um neither? I guess if I had to choose, I would say teddy bear and flowers. But he agrees with me on the whole valentine’s day thing being a bit overrated 🙂

9. Are you a sunset dinner on the beach kind of girl, or pop a movie in and relax on the couch?
I would say a bit of both, but again if I had to choose, I would choose the dinner on the beach, because I am a beach girl. If I lived by the beach, there would be no movies, it would be sitting on the beach and enjoying each others company, and I would love every second. We aren’t the type of people who go out often, so we love just hanging in and doing stuff around the house together, but if we could hang out on the beach, even better!

10. Tell us one thing you’d like to do with your significant one day. If you could do anything? Go anywhere?
I would love to move to another country and live there for a year or two. Specifically a country in Europe, maybe Portugal or Spain. Italy even. But we are such family oriented people, that we would miss our family here. So I don’t know if we could do it. Maybe someday 🙂

11. Tell us what you plan on doing on this Valentine’s Day.
I am not really sure – A is keeping it a surprise. Although I am thinking it will just be a nice dinner for two.

12. Are you asking for anything this Valentine’s day?
Nope – that defeats the purpose in my opinion 🙂 And I like surprises.

13. Give us one piece of advice of keeping a relationship strong and full of love.
Communication and openness. If you are constantly talking with one another and being open, you keep the fights to a minimum. And make the time you spend together count. It’s not always the amount of time you have together, but the quality of time you spend together. Embrace it, and never take it for granted.

14. Show us a picture of what love means to you.